How to Finish the Back of a Picture Frame

Correctly finishing the back of a picture frame:

- Seals it, preventing dust, mites and moisture from entering the mount or artwork. Environmental conditions such as damp and dust can damage artwork so sealing the frame is a must.

- Produce a professional finish that is easy on the eye and pleasing for the customer.

- Provide stability and add a protection barrier between frame and wall.

- Fix picture hangers and hooks to hang the frame.

Equipment needed:

- Bradawl

- Screwdriver

- Tape Measure

- Framers Points

- D Rings

- Picture Cord

- Frame Sealing Tape

- Bumpers

Step 1: Complete the frame 'sandwich', consisting of glazing, artwork, mountboard, and backing board. Place the frame face down and secure the sandwich with Framers Points. These can be applied by hand or fired with a Point Driver for speedier production. Fire the points along the edge of the frame to secure the backing board to the frame moulding.

Step 2: Applying Frame Sealing Tape to all lengths of the frame, this will seal the frame and cover the Framers Points. Take care when trimming the edges of the tape to ensure the frame isn't damaged.

Step 3: Use a Tape Measure to measure down 1/3 of the way from the top of the frame. Mark this point with a pencil or Bradawl, apply pressure on the Bradawl to create a starting hole in the frame. Repeat this process on the other side of the frame so that there's two matches holes.

Step 4: Fix a D Ring into the two created screw holes. The D Ring will be used to attached Picture Cord.

Step 5: Feed Picture Cord through each D Ring and secure it in place with a knot.

Step 6: Fit two Bumpers to the bottom corners of the picture frame. Bumpers will create a space between the frame and the wall, allowing air to pass through, helping to prevent dust or moisture. Bumpers will also protect the wall from the picture frame and help avoid movement.