How to Make a Free Standing Canvas

Stretched canvas prints, as well as frames and printed panels, can be used for free standing display by attaching a Frame Stand. Specially made for small canvases these stands are very easy to attach with a screw and screwdriver.

  • Free standing canvas

    1) Take the canvas and turn it face down so that the back of the canvas is facing you.

  • Measure canvas frame stand

    2) Measure the length of the canvas of where you want the stand to go, locate and mark the centre.

  • Bradawl screw hole positioning

    3) Position the Frame Stand and use a bradawl to start the screw hole.

  • Screw canvas stand into place

    4) Screw the Frame Stand to the back of the canvas.

  • 5) Optional: Add a bumper the end of the Frame Stand to provide extra stability and reduce risk of damaging surfaces.